Amazing Story How A
"Melting Candy"
Changed My Smile…And quite possibly My Life!

Patricia Paz - Dog's lover, wife, blogger, lifelong foodie, and once again the woman who light up the room with her bright smile!

Updated: July 21, 2022 - Read time - under 2 minutes
Bad Breath Almost Killed Me…But I Got the Last Laugh!
I always felt I had an amazing opportunity to live in different countries growing up. Finally, when I moved into the United States I thought I was in Heaven! 

So many choices of everything, especially all the different food choices in restaurants and even at the grocery stores. Life was going great!

 I l loved it so much I even adopted my first baby dog, Toki! 

I started to make friends, got a job and became a US Citizen. I kept my same routines but something changed as I got older. .
For the next few years I struggled with foul breath that wouldn’t go awayI started to become shy and withdrawn...even my dog stopped giving me kisses! 
I tried different diets and spent thousands at the dentist to try to find the source of the problem…but it just stayed the same. The best I could do was try to cover up the smell... I even kept a bottle of mouthwash in my purse. Even my dog's breath smelled better
My gums hurt, my breath was stinky and I could feel my confidence dropping. I started going to the dog park when it wasn't crowded. Still no kisses from my puppy! I started to become more introverted and depressed. It didn't matter how much I mouthwash, mints, brushing or flossing I did. My teeth and gums continued to be weak, sore, inflamed, and bloody
I even had pain eating! All these delicious foods that I couldn't enjoy because of the fear of my situation and the embarrassment that came with it
I tried everything I could…and it still Got WORSE!
I met with my Dentist and he actually suggested I see my doctor. After several co-pays and expensive tests they found out I had a severe infection in my respiratory tract. He said he still needed to run a few more tests before he could recommend treatment… I still wasn't even close to my deductible--the color ran out of my face and I almost fainted 

“Patti, if we don’t get this under control, I’m afraid this could turn into something much, much more serious…”

He listed off the potential complications, like they were side effects in a pharmaceutical commercial gone wrong. I had tears in my eyes and was really scared about my health for the first time. I didn't want to die because of my BAD BREATH!

On top of the daily discomfort and the pain the costs brought me to tears!

During my last visit to the dentist, I almost cried when I saw the bill. 

Then I thought about my doctor and the specialist… that "treatment" would probably be more expensive still...I couldn't afford that. 
My entire savings would be gone for medical procedures that "might work", there may even be an experimental drug that "might" be approved in 12-18 months. How much would it cost then?! I just wanted to cry. 
I already had countless doctor and dental visits and no relief. Maybe I could get it done cheaper down South...but even the flights were crazy expensive!

But what choice did I have? It felt like I had nothing whatsoever I could do except suffer in pain or suffer financially... or so I thought.
Thankfully, I had a chance encounter the next morning that changed my life.
I was shocked and overjoyed to discover that my dental issues had very little to do with my dental hygiene routine.

The primary cause of my bad breath, failing 
gums and teeth was...

A bacteria buried deep within my gums, eating my gums and roots like a termite--spreading throughout my mouth, nose and throat....even my esophagus!
I was stunned to learn that this SAME bacteria has also been linked to Alzheimer’s and Dementia! 
It also put me at risk for other inflammatory diseases like:
  • Diabetes
  • ​Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
  • ​Arthritis and other Joint Diseases
  • ​​Allergies
  • ​​Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • ​​Psoriasis
  • ​Rheumatoid Arthritis

The very same disease that was threatening to take all my teeth was also threatening my most precious memories... and even my life.

I immediately changed my routine. I followed the instructions to a T! 
The change was rapid and profound. It worked faster than I would have thought was possible. In the time it would have taken me to get another appointment with the specialist...
  • The pain in my mouth disappeared
  • My gums weren't so sore and puffy--even the bleeding stopped!
  • Bad breath  became a bad memory--TOKI GAVE ME KISSES AGAIN!
  • ​​My teeth felt "strong and cemented" like when I was younger.
Now I wasn’t afraid of food! (Bring on the Corn on the cob, the ribs..even apples!)
I could now eat what I wanted when I wanted. 
All by eating a "melting candy" with an amazing secret that dentists don't want you to know!

Every day I ate the "melting candy" was a full assault on bad breath, loose teeth, and even the respiratory issues.

Now I’m back to the REAL Patti. I can once again be confident and light up the room with her bright smile…I even met someone--things are looking great! I sincerely thank you for listening--now I just want to share the secret that helped save me.

Tap below to see the video that saved my life for yourself - it's currently free to watch!

*This presentation is ONLY being made available for a limited time and will be REMOVED if it comes under too much pressure from the billion dollar surgical dentistry industry.
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